
Major Arcana


Felipe Llinas Ripoll


22 Years

"I’ve been drawing my entire life, scribbling and sketching in my notebook when I was in school. But it wasn’t until 2019 that I took it a bit more seriously and invested more time in the hobby."

What inspired you?

"I decided to draw The Major Arcana out of curiosity. I first got into the tarots during a Christian reunion, where an acquaintance of mine read them to me, and what got my attention was that their tarot deck was personalized. I was told that having a personalized deck would make the holder have a deeper connection with it. That made me want to learn more about them and give it a go to create my own deck."


Which is your favorite card?

"My favorite one would be “Death XXIII”, not only was my favorite to draw but also the one that got me really invested in the tarot world, the meaning and looks of the card are just up my alley when it comes to my artsyle."

Was the process challenging?

There’s a couple of cards that were quite difficult to pull off, specially the ones that focus more on scenery, examples being the moon, the tower or the wheel of fortune. At first they were my least favorite to make, but the fact that they were a challenge, made them grow on me.
